October Birthstone - Opal
>> Saturday, September 27, 2008

Revered As A Symbol Of Hope And Purity, Coveted For Its Fire.
The October birthstone Opal is one of the most lustrous and radiant of gems – an ever-changing depth of fiery iridescence – ever refracting, ever reflecting, always giving wonder and delight. And it just might possibly be the perfect gift!
The ancient Greeks recognize the 'opal' as a sign of purity and hope. Opal is a stone of peace and tranquility for the aura. It is especially noted for its energies in healing emotions. The ancient Romans believed opals kept the wearer safe from harm.
An Opal Birthstone is the perfect gift for the birth of a child – a treasure that grows in value and wonder as the child grows through to the years of grace where opals are valued by many for their reputed ability to recall past lives and to aid sight.
The October child has been blessed with one of the most beautiful birthstones on this earth, many say the most beautiful. For thousands of years opals have been regarded as a source of imparting inner beauty and faithfulness to the wearer. For centuries royal families have included opals in crowns and necklaces as a talisman for protection, calling them the “King of Gems”. An Heirloom For Life.
Opals fit perfectly into all the phases of life – birth, setting forth, romance and giving, learning and loving, aging gracefully and contentment.
One of the highest qualities of opals is their timeless beauty.

Giving your loved one a pink opal birthstone is as much an investment as a gift of love. Some of the finest specimens cost more per carat than diamonds. Although opals are classified as a semi-precious stone, their value has increased up to 30% over the last few years increasing their desirability for many collectors and investors.
An elegant October birthstone Opal, digged from the Australian outback, alive with colors trapped for a million years, is always the right investment and always the right gift. More than any other birthstone gem, the magical, mystical October birthstone gives flight to the imagination, and the heart.
Over the centuries, silver has been used extensively in making jewelry items. Silver ornaments are known to be affordable as well as sober looking.
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